Early Fall
Posted by Vince Crawford | Posted in | Posted on Thursday, October 13, 2011
Goose's Bird Work
I suppose fall started in August for us this year. We began working Goose on pigeons prior to the dove season starting on September 1st. She worked with them around the house, getting used to carrying them, and finding them in the tall grass I let grow up in the backyard.
Dove opener afternoon found Kable, Goose and I at Bonanza Conservation Area. We were hunting in a sunflower field that looked great, but the doves had not made their way down yet. There were only two shots fired for the afternoon. Goose didn't know what to think when I shot, and nothing fell from the sky. She will have to get used to that with me!
Kable is getting pretty handy with a shotgun. He says he's still 'just' a bird hunter, since he has not taken a deer yet.

Here's a closeup of Goose from the hunt. I miss her blue puppy eyes, but those milky yellow eyes are pretty sweet looking too!

Goose and I made one trip out together to teal hunt on the river. We saw a lot of geese, but very few teal. She didn't quite know what to think about sitting on the river with nothing really happening for the two hours we were there, but she did pretty well sitting still.

On the way back out, we made a sneak on the barn, and found a pigeon to take a crack at. Luckily, I hit my mark, and Goose made a GREAT first retrieve. Holding a shotgun and a camera at the same time of trying to control a pup is a task.

I suppose fall started in August for us this year. We began working Goose on pigeons prior to the dove season starting on September 1st. She worked with them around the house, getting used to carrying them, and finding them in the tall grass I let grow up in the backyard.
Dove opener afternoon found Kable, Goose and I at Bonanza Conservation Area. We were hunting in a sunflower field that looked great, but the doves had not made their way down yet. There were only two shots fired for the afternoon. Goose didn't know what to think when I shot, and nothing fell from the sky. She will have to get used to that with me!
Kable is getting pretty handy with a shotgun. He says he's still 'just' a bird hunter, since he has not taken a deer yet.

Here's a closeup of Goose from the hunt. I miss her blue puppy eyes, but those milky yellow eyes are pretty sweet looking too!

Goose and I made one trip out together to teal hunt on the river. We saw a lot of geese, but very few teal. She didn't quite know what to think about sitting on the river with nothing really happening for the two hours we were there, but she did pretty well sitting still.

On the way back out, we made a sneak on the barn, and found a pigeon to take a crack at. Luckily, I hit my mark, and Goose made a GREAT first retrieve. Holding a shotgun and a camera at the same time of trying to control a pup is a task.

Kable's First Goose (honk honk goose that is......)
We decided to leave Goose at home for this hunt, because it was a DEAD STILL morning, and I was assured, after getting out there, that she would not have been able to sit still or quiet.
On our venture out there, Kable commented that there were a LOT of stars out. So, we took a moment to check them all out. He told me to start counting, and let me know when I was done.
Then, we spotted two sattelites (UFO's.....I told him) cutting across the sky. Not only that, but we watched them perfectly cris-cross eachother!
So.....on to the river bank we went.
Kable showed me where he wanted to be, and he promptly TRIED to go to sleep. Well, when the coyotes started howling, the geese started honking RIGHT beside us!
We were ALMOST in the right spot. The 35 birds Tristen heard come in the evening before were about 50 yards downstream of Kable and I. Tristen was 40 yards further upstream than us.
Two of the birds swam through our setup, and then back downstream about 5AM.
As shooting time was approaching, we watched the 35ish geese start creeping closer and closer to us.
It got to be time, and I told Kable to pick out his bird. He got lined up, and told me he was ready.
The PLAN was for him to shoot his bird, and then Tristen and I would play cleanup.
Well, step one went GREAT! Kable got his first goose!
Every step after that though......didn't go as planned. All the birds went downstream, instead of our hope of them splitting, or going upstream.
So......once again........Kable showed US how to get the JOB DONE!
Good times were had by all!

It was pretty awesome. He said he was going to pick out the biggest one, and was getting ready to shoot. I said whenever you are ready......thinking......I don't know how he can tell which one is bigger, but oh well!
When he was holding it up for the pictures, he said, MAN! It must weigh 20 pounds! What does the world record goose weigh?!
I started laughing HARD!
We 'officially' weighed it in at 13 pounds back at the house.

We decided to leave Goose at home for this hunt, because it was a DEAD STILL morning, and I was assured, after getting out there, that she would not have been able to sit still or quiet.
On our venture out there, Kable commented that there were a LOT of stars out. So, we took a moment to check them all out. He told me to start counting, and let me know when I was done.
Then, we spotted two sattelites (UFO's.....I told him) cutting across the sky. Not only that, but we watched them perfectly cris-cross eachother!
So.....on to the river bank we went.
Kable showed me where he wanted to be, and he promptly TRIED to go to sleep. Well, when the coyotes started howling, the geese started honking RIGHT beside us!
We were ALMOST in the right spot. The 35 birds Tristen heard come in the evening before were about 50 yards downstream of Kable and I. Tristen was 40 yards further upstream than us.
Two of the birds swam through our setup, and then back downstream about 5AM.
As shooting time was approaching, we watched the 35ish geese start creeping closer and closer to us.
It got to be time, and I told Kable to pick out his bird. He got lined up, and told me he was ready.
The PLAN was for him to shoot his bird, and then Tristen and I would play cleanup.
Well, step one went GREAT! Kable got his first goose!
Every step after that though......didn't go as planned. All the birds went downstream, instead of our hope of them splitting, or going upstream.
So......once again........Kable showed US how to get the JOB DONE!
Good times were had by all!

It was pretty awesome. He said he was going to pick out the biggest one, and was getting ready to shoot. I said whenever you are ready......thinking......I don't know how he can tell which one is bigger, but oh well!
When he was holding it up for the pictures, he said, MAN! It must weigh 20 pounds! What does the world record goose weigh?!
I started laughing HARD!
We 'officially' weighed it in at 13 pounds back at the house.

The First VECtor Kills of the Year!
The first TWO VECtor kills of the 2011-2012 season come from the same young man in South Dakota!
Not only that, but he killed his deer with the first bow I ever bought for Holly, a Mathews Mustang! I think this young man has had this hedge grunter for less than two weeks now, but he has REALLY put it to use.

This 8 pointer was just taken this evening, while he was on a hunt by himself on the edge of a corn field. The grunter brought the buck into 10 yards for him!

Congratulations, Kable! Great pics, Vince. Have a safe fall!