After a long wait... allow me to introduce... Weight!
Posted by Bo Parker | Posted in Scouting , Still Imagery , Whitetails | Posted on Friday, July 30, 2010
Scott and I got out last night to hopefully get some more velvet footage. We didn't have long to wait before the first two bucks showed up. They were little guys, but we instantly felt like it would be a good night. Not long after the little fellas exited the field, one of the big boys showed up. He's an absolutely perfectly symmetrical 8 point that is really wide. We call him "Weight" for the wide eight. We're quite certain that his inside spread is over 20" and it may be even a couple of inches better than that.
Best guess is that he's in the low to mid 140's and is definitely mature. These trail camera pictures were taken on a little knob that kind of makes his back look bowed. He's actually quite sway backed and had the appearance (on video) of an old buck. We're positive that he's at least 4 years old and could very possibly be older than that.
We haven't captured the footage, so we don't have any stills from last night to show just yet. M&M, an even larger buck, showed up a little before dark too. He never got closer than 300 yards, but it was still nice to see another bruiser on this farm. So far, we've managed to get footage of 4 definite shooters on this farm. Wind permitting, I think I have an idea of where we might be on the evening of 9/15...

He fed within 100 yards of us for almost an hour last night and we got some really good velvet footage of him. Hopefully, it will be available on one of the first Great Plains Show episodes on
We haven't captured the footage, so we don't have any stills from last night to show just yet. M&M, an even larger buck, showed up a little before dark too. He never got closer than 300 yards, but it was still nice to see another bruiser on this farm. So far, we've managed to get footage of 4 definite shooters on this farm. Wind permitting, I think I have an idea of where we might be on the evening of 9/15...
We hope you guys are all taking advantage of this "easy" summer hunting. There is really no better time to inventory your herd than right now!!!
Bo, great post on "Weight". Definitely can't wait to see him in about six weeks. Since I still have your Nikon, here are a couple of the pictures we took of him while filming. He's a big dude!
Bo, great post on "Weight". Definitely can't wait to see him in about six weeks. Since I still have your Nikon, here are a couple of the pictures we took of him while filming. He's a big dude!
Bo, hope you don't mind, I added a few of the stills from Thursday night. Now we just need good pics of M&M and we'll have that bachelor group pretty well captured.
Definite Shooter!
Nice buck! That just gets the blood pumping! Can't wait to see you guys send an arrow through one of these guys.