The Hit List
Posted by Bo Parker | Posted in | Posted on Saturday, September 04, 2010
Well, obviously we haven't been that regular on posting to the blog lately. We haven't forgotten about it, we've just been awfully busy. Busy with life, filming, and a boat load of preseason work. Hopefully, this post will help to get everyone excited for the season. I know we're sure looking forward to it!
These are some of our hitlist bucks for the coming KS and MO seasons. Hopefully, we'll add a few more as the year goes on, but we're mighty happy with the one that we have started. It's easily the best hitlist we've ever had, and with any luck, we'll be able to harvest some of these deer on the Midwest Whitetail Great Plains show this year.
By the way, be sure to check out this weeks Great Plains show where Scott and I are one of the featured teams. Click on the Great Plains tab to watch this weeks show. Below is a direct link to our hit list show on Midwest Whitetail.
Here are the bucks that we plan on chasing this year:
First Pull is a 5.5 year old main frame 7 point that we passed on during the late season last year. He was only in the mid 120's last year. This year, he's really packed on the bone and has a one of a kind rack.

Right Hook is a buck named for his hooked right brow tine. He's a buck that should gross around the 140" mark and is a nice/clean and symmetrical 8 point. We don't have much history with him, as he is on a new farm, but we have hundreds of trail cam pics of him this summer.
Weight is a buck we posted about earlier this summer. He's a big, wide, mature 8 point that we filmed on several occassions this summer. He's on another new farm and is part of a bachelor group of mature bucks that we call "The 3 Amigos".

Tilt is another member of The 3 Amigos that we filmed a couple of times this summer. He's a mature 10 point with plenty of mass. We named him "Tilt" due to the way his rack always seems to be tilted back.
M&M is the 3rd member of The 3 Amigos, and we believe that he is also the biggest. We've filmed him several times, but each time we've either had low light or he's been about 400 yards away. We also had a little camera trouble when we tried to get trail camera pics of him. As far as we can tell, he's a very tall racked main frame 8 point with a big split G2 that we figure will gross over 150". He's a deer that we'd really like to put on the ground so that we can see what all he's actually got!
We filmed this buck on our neighbors farm in KS. Coincidentally, the neighbor actually got a ton of trail camera pictures of this deer last week. He filmed him a few hundred yards from our property line, so we're sure he probably visits our farm too. As far as we can tell, he's a solid 4 year old 8 point that would score in the low 140's. This deer has a really nice frame and we'd love to see what he would look like in another year. He's probably not an official hitlist buck for us, but he does meet our age standards. You never can be sure how you'll feel when a pretty deer like this walks in front of you. He might just make the list after all!
This buck is legendary to us. I've passed on him during the past 2 seasons, Scott has 2 years worth of sheds from him, and we've got 3 years worth of trail camera photos of him. He's not the highest scoring buck on our hitlist, but he's the one that we're after. Since I tagged out early last season, Scott got to play cat and mouse with him for two months! Velvet pictures never do this buck justice. He's got a tank of a body on him, really good mass, and some of the longest main beams I've ever seen on an 8 point. Last year, his beams measured 26" each. We believe they're an inch or two longer this year. To put it in perspective, my 172" KS 10 point from last year had great beams that measured only 25". This deer is a stud and he's our #1 hitlist buck.
This is another KS buck that we have a few years worth of history with. He first showed up as a big 3.5 year old crab claw 9 point (hence the name) that would have scored in the high 140's. He was a real regular ont he trail cams that year and my wife and I had an encounter with him in early November. We found his sheds that year too. Last year, he showed up a few times on the trail cameras, but not nearly as much as the year before. He also flipped his G4 from his left side to his right. This year, as a 5.5, he's blossomed into a full blown giant of a 10 point. He's got a great big frame, awesome mass and tine length, super main beams, and a lot of character. He's also sporting a nice little drop tine on his left side. He's a target buck that has been running around with Potato Digger this summer. I'll wager that they won't stay friends very much longer!
This is another KS buck that we have a few years worth of history with. He first showed up as a big 3.5 year old crab claw 9 point (hence the name) that would have scored in the high 140's. He was a real regular ont he trail cams that year and my wife and I had an encounter with him in early November. We found his sheds that year too. Last year, he showed up a few times on the trail cameras, but not nearly as much as the year before. He also flipped his G4 from his left side to his right. This year, as a 5.5, he's blossomed into a full blown giant of a 10 point. He's got a great big frame, awesome mass and tine length, super main beams, and a lot of character. He's also sporting a nice little drop tine on his left side. He's a target buck that has been running around with Potato Digger this summer. I'll wager that they won't stay friends very much longer!
Mr. T (aka B.A. Baracas) is another buck that is new to us this year. He started showing up at the mineral lick in my backyard in mid August and has shown up a few times during the daylight in the past week. He's just an awesome main frame 8 point with a common base split G2 on his left side. His tine length is unreal and from the one hard horned picture I have of him, it appears that he will have really good mass. I just hung a stand today specifically for this deer and his running mate, Murdock. They're members of a bachelor group that we call "The A-Team".
Murdock is the newest member of the hitlist. He showed up a few times earlier this summer and man did he finish out good. I really like the looks of this bucks rack. He's got great tine length, beam length, and mass. He's been seen with Mr. T and Hannibal, a buck that needs one more year.
The last 2 bucks on the hitlist are pretty special to me. We've put in a lot of work planting and maintaining food plots and mineral stations for the deer on this property. Last year, the year that Sarah and I bought this place, we saw nothing but small bucks and does. It's great to see a couple of studs show up this year for our efforts. Hopefully, we'll have a couple of opportunities to get after these deer this fall!
Thanks for reading and we wish you all a very safe and successful hunting season.
~Bo Parker
I'll take three of the above, please!
Planning on eating that 4th tag, are ya Scott?
Trouble is if you get these this season what are you going to take pictures of next year? When you get any of these bucks in your sights you'll get all choked up and won't be able to shot. Good luck, Dad
hahhah nice you gonna take that from your dad? hahaha lol!!!! thats great, just got back to stl, had a great weekend at the farm! picked up a nice ten on the cameras and a split g2 9 pointer.. . . working on a new blog add right now, will have it up asap! keep up the good work! cant wait to start hunting!!!
Nothing like a vote of confidence from the old man, is there, Scott? Good looking hitlist, Clint!