Posted by Scott Mensing | Posted in | Posted on Friday, October 08, 2010

I can honestly say I cannot remember a mass acorn crop like the one we're currently seeing in western Missouri.  The acorns have been steadily dropping since mid-August and it has made a huge impact on our deer movements.  It's hard to believe there are enough acorns in the trees to continuously drop for two months!  We're sure to have some fat squirrels and deer this winter! 

On the properties we are currently hunting, it does not seem to matter the species of oak, they are all loaded this year.  It's nice to have that supplemental food for the deer herds, but it sure makes bowhunting them more difficult.  Over the past couple of weeks, we have been moving stands and doing some additional scouting to try to find the oak trees that are currently dropping and those that still have acorns yet to drop.  Both does that we harvested last weekend were taken over acorns that are located between heavy bedding areas and standing corn.

So during the first three weeks of season, we have transitioned from green bean fields to oak flats and ridges.  Within the next week or two, we'll be make another transition from the oak trees to the cut corn fields.  The weather in our area has been absolutely perfect for the crop harvest this fall so hopefully the majority of the standing corn will be gone by mid October.  If so, the deer activity will significantly pick up and those mature bucks should start to be a little bit more visible.

One has to remember that you need to be mobile during the season and adapt to the changing seasons and surrounding conditions.  Don't be afraid to move stands during season.  This weekend we will be setting two or three stands on Saturday.  If you're not sitting in the right place, grab your stand and MOVE!! 

On another note, please take a few minutes to check out the latest Midwest Whitetail Great Plains show.  Greg Clements produced a very good segment of Bo's doe harvest that I filmed from this past Sunday.  The show also includes a great buck shot by fellow prostaffer Mike Lutt.  Check it out at the link below!

Midwest Whitetail Great Plains Show

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