BBD! (Bow Bird Down!) in Kansas!
Posted by Bo Parker | Posted in Still Imagery , Turkeys | Posted on Sunday, April 11, 2010
My friend and co-worker, Ben Heins, and I had an awesome hunt on Friday (4/9) morning in KS. Ben didn't have anything going on and was willing to get up super early (3 AM) to come down to my KS hunting property to film me attempt to call in and shoot a gobbler with my bow. I am very happy that he did, because I wouldn't have been able to capture the hunt on video without him.
My first archery turkey and my 3rd KS longbeard called in with a VECtor slate.
I love my trusty Mathews Switchback!

Ben did a great job filming (poor Scotty had to work!) I'll be posting a video after we get it edited.
My initial plan for this week was to go down on Friday to help the farmer burn off the CRP and then do a final shed hunt. Lucky for me, he caught the wind just right on Monday and was able to burn it then. So, instead of working, I was able to go on my first turkey hunt of the season. Ben didn't even hesitate when I asked him if he wanted to come down and film. He's a die hard turkey hunter and doesn't miss many opportunities to get out and chase them. We left around 4 AM to make the 2 hour drive down to the property and arrived just after 6:00. As we were getting all of our gear together, we started hearing gobbles along the creek bank of the neighboring property. It was just where I'd hoped the birds would be and I knew right where we should set the blind.
After a quick walk over to the spot, Ben set the blind up, and I got the decoys into position. The set that I used was a feeding hen, and a submissive hen with a jake behind her. I knew that any mature tom that saw this setup would be hard pressed to ignore it. We sat and listened for a while and when it started getting lighter I did a little tree calling. A few birds answered and I started feeling pretty good about the hunt. A few minutes later, I did a fly down cackle and was answered again by a roosted bird that seemed to be about 300 yards or so away. When he gobbled again, it was apparent that he was on the ground.
I continued to call every 5 minutes or so with my trusty VECtor slate call and a Woodhaven diaphram call. The bird answered every time and he was quickly closing the gap. Finally, it sounded like he was within 100 yards and was definitely commited. I decided to shut up and let him finish coming by himself. Then, I heard some hens getting up and I thought that we might be in trouble. I gave a few more yelps and he shook the blind with his gobble! He was right on top of us. When he stepped out, I was happy to see that it was a mature tom. He circled the decoys a few times and then finally gave me an opportunity to draw when he went into strut and turned away from me. I drew, anchored, and tried for a texas heart shot. He turned as I released the arrow and I caught him through the legs. He tried to run/fly off and I jumped out of the blind and gave chase. After about 100 yards, he settled down under a cedar and I was able to get another arrow in him from 20 yards. This time, I took out his vitals and put him away quickly.
I was disappointed in my first shot, but I'm happy to know that I was able to finish him off quickly. It's unfortunate to ever wound or lose an animal. I feel very grateful to have recovered this bird.
Ben and I also found a few sheds, but I'll save that for another post in the near future!
My first archery turkey and my 3rd KS longbeard called in with a VECtor slate.
I love my trusty Mathews Switchback!

Ben did a great job filming (poor Scotty had to work!) I'll be posting a video after we get it edited. I the only person that works on Fridays! I really wish I could have been there with ya Bo. Heck of a way to start off our 2010 season and good filming too Ben. The Kansas and Missouri birds don't stand a chance with both of us sporting VECtor slates. April 23rd cannot come soon enough...
Nice work guys! Bo, thanks for taking the time to get those awesome VECtor photos for me!
We suckered one in this past weekend for my youngest boy during the MO youth season too!
No problem Vince! Congrats to the youngest Crawford on his bird!
Post the video Bo!
Tommy T.
Congrats Bo!
Congratulations Bo, hopefully we can do the same thing in May with shotguns.