From Kansas to Iowa
Posted by Scott Mensing | Posted in Shed Hunting , Still Imagery | Posted on Monday, March 15, 2010
On Saturday Michelle and I took the dogs up to a new property that we were just granted permission to shed hunt on this year in southwestern Iowa. It's my understanding that this property does not get hunted at all - sometimes I really wish Iowa nonresident tags weren't so expensive and hard to come by. The property does not have much timber on it as it's mainly row crop with two draws that cross the property. However, the land owner has installed filter strips to not only keep erosion down, but also provide a great deer santuary.
Michelle and I were excitied to get out and get some exercise, well at least get the dogs some exercise. Not five minutes out of the truck, I spotted a small tine sticking up from the grass bed. I tried to get our lab to sniff it up, but she only found it when she stepped on it and pulled it out of the grass. I guess I'm going to have to keep up on the shed hunting training with her.
But the deer sign on the property was simply amazing. I can't remember a property that has had so many big rubs and wide trails. This property would truely be a bowhunter's paradise.

Not too long into the search, Michelle found her very first shed. It's not the biggest in the world, but those smalller ones are always much harder to find than the big boys.
After we started out with two quick ones, we ended up finding four more in the following two hours. This was one of my personnel best days shed hunting with us coming home with six. The biggest antler was a six point side with a split brow that measured 63 inches. Unfortunately the main beam had probably around four to five inches broke off.
Here is a shot of the days catch. I really can't believe how much my shed hunting year changed in the matter of two days. I had started out on the first trip with Bo and found a small matched set, then went for 33 hours before finding the one matched set I'd hoped for all year, and then to finish up with six more and Michelle finding her first. Turned out to be a pretty good year!
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