Shed hunting success in Kansas!
Posted by Bo Parker | Posted in Shed Hunting , Still Imagery | Posted on Saturday, March 13, 2010
Scott and I, along with our buddy Jeff, had a chance to hit our Kansas lease for a little shed hunting yesterday. Our property is very difficult to shed hunt as it is enrolled in a CRP program and consists of mostly warm season native grasses. Sheds really blend in with all of that grass. However, we always seem to bring something back with us whenever we go down. There truly is some magic in those Kansas hills!
We had a great time and were impressed by the amount of deer sign. Sometimes, you just can't take inventory of your buck sign during the season. We are very scent conscious/low impact hunters. During the season, we try not to disrupt the deer patterns and really limit our scouting efforts during the season. We saw numerous rubs and scrapes along with some really good deer trails.
Good optics are a must for shed hunting. They can save your legs a lot of extra miles. The Bushnell binos that Scott uses are crystal clear and are a great tool for scouting and hunting.
Shortly into the hunt, Scott found an armadillo that must have died from the cold. I've haven't seen one of these since I left Georgia 2 years ago. I hope this cold winter did the little buggers in!
After many hours and miles of searching, Scott finally broke his unsuccessful shed hunting streak. We were all really excited for him to find the matched set of a legend on our farm. I'll let Scott elaborate a little more on this bruiser 8 point we call Potato Digger. 26" main beams on an 8 point is pretty darned impressive... and he is only 4.5 years old!

I haven't been able to do too much shedding this year with a newborn at home. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in the woods yesterday with two good friends. Man, do I love living and hunting in the Midwest!

Scott found the only two sheds of the day, but like I said before, this property is extremely difficult to shed hunt. We'll be back down there in a couple of weeks to help out with a prescribed burn of the CRP. I can't wait to see what we'll find then!
I cannot overemphasize the importance of shed hunting. There is no better way to find out what bucks made it through the season, and even more importantly, where they were spending some of their time late in the season. Shed hunting has taught us an awful lot about our farm in the past couple of seasons. For example, we have now found 9 sheds off of 8 different bucks and a dead head within an 80 yard radius of one spot in particular on our farm. Do you think we have a stand in that spot? You bet we do (just ask Grumpy, who got his best buck ever from that stand), and next season, we'll likely have two stands and a food plot in that spot to make it huntable on multiple wind directions. Chances are, we would have overlooked this spot altogether if we hadn't put in the many hours and miles that it takes to thoroughly shed hunt a property. Plus, it's a lot of fun and we love displaying the sheds that we find, in our homes.

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